Pillsbury™ Thaw and Serve Blondies and Brownies

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Two square brownies stacked on top of one another with the text, Indulgence with ease. Scratch-like quality served in a snap.

Delicious Blondies and Brownies ready-to-go, just thaw & serve!

Creating indulgent desserts has never been easier. Pillsbury's Thaw and Serve blondie and brownies help you serve streamline prep and menu exciting dessert options with scratch-like quality in a snap. Available in half and full-sheet sizes, and single serve offering greater flexibility while minimizing food waste.

Convenient & flexible

Toppings or not, these delicious treats are an indulgent addition to your freezer, giving you the flexibility to add some flair to your menu. Count on the versatility of Pillsbury™ products to help you simplify serving up something creative. The possibilities are sweet.

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